I am exited to share a blog post from Justice Arts Coalition. To read the entire interview please click on the link: https://thejusticeartscoalition.org/2021/03/27/inside-out-exhibition-spotlight-michelle-repiso-and-treacy-ziegler/
View the virtual gallery online at www.inside-out-jac.com. Tour the exhibition using the 3D virtual gallery feature, learn more about the artists, or look through the pieces in the gallery. February 26, 2021 - April 22, 2021
How it all started. The first day I met Shane he eagerly shared how he created the chess pieces.
JAC: Could you speak a bit about your pieces in JAC’s exhibition. What was your inspiration / process?
MR: I am very honored to be a part of JAC’s exhibition and it means a great deal to share my current project. In 2016 I was photographing Coss Marte for his exercise book (Coss is the CEO and founder of CONBODY, a NYC based fitness company that promotes a boot camp style workout he developed while serving time). After the photoshoot, I met one of his trainers. Shane was very enthusiastic and started telling me stories about the art he created while he was incarcerated. He mentioned how he would play chess while in solitary confinement and he then proceeded to show me how the chess pieces were created with toilet paper and water. A numbering system was shouted to the men in adjoining cells so they could play. I was so interested in learning more. He also made beautiful flowers out of toilet paper to include in letters that he sent to his wife. Coss and Shane had so many interesting things to say that I wanted to document their story. They are the heart and inspiration behind Basic Necessities and the project grew to include Juan’s story of music and poetry. Throughout 2017 and 2018 we collectively worked on the project and I recorded their stories as well. It’s so important that people hear their voices. They were willing to share their journey with me and I want to share it with others.
JAC: Is there anything else you would like to share about your art or yourself?
MR: In 2020 I received a grant from the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council to exhibit Basic Necessities, which documents three individuals and the mechanisms they used to sustain their humanity while incarcerated. Due to the pandemic, my exhibition was postponed. I didn’t want to have a one-time Zoom event, I wanted to create a space where people could physically see the exhibit. I decided the safest thing to do would be to exhibit the show outdoors. Coss reached out to where his former studio was located and they approved my request to exhibit on the facade of the building. In my art practice, I enjoy collaborating with other artists and I am currently working with Steve Ellis who will be painting a mural that incorporates the title and elements of the show. Photographs will be affixed on the exterior so visitors can learn more about the project. This will be completed in April 2021 on the Lower East Side of NY. In the meantime, please check out michellerepiso.com/basic-necessities and I will post more information on my website once the project is installed.