Locked Apart is a series of stories created by Gabriela Bulisova, Mark Isaac and Michelle Repiso that document the impact of incarceration on families. The full project, titled “Locked Apart: The Impact of Incarceration on Families,” includes video and still photographs of multiple families in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. The work is currently exhibited at Eastern State Penitentiary as part of Prisons Today: Questions in the Age of Mass Incarceration.
Locked Apart is a series of stories created by Gabriela Bulisova, Mark Isaac and Michelle Repiso that document the impact of incarceration on families. The full project, titled “Locked Apart: The Impact of Incarceration on Families,” includes video and still photographs of multiple families in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. The work is currently exhibited at Eastern State Penitentiary as part of Prisons Today: Questions in the Age of Mass Incarceration.